
The EVAjig is a bed-of-nails device to program, provision and test freshly assembled PCBA's targeted at small series. The cost of todays single-use, specialist testers cannot be smeared out over enough products to be economical for small series. Therefore the EVAjig combines a re-usable fixture that provides many commonly-used functionalities with easily exchangeable cassettes. The EVAjig fixture can be used by many clients for many PCBAs, so the cost for common functionality can be minimal. Cassettes are designed and produced with high standardization, also to minimze cost and lead time. Extension modules to the cassettes provide specialized test functions. The software recognizes the cassettes and reconfigures itself according to specifications that are maintained in a portal. All test results are immediately uploaded and available in the portal.

More information can be found on the EVAjig website.
Developer companies that target the EVAjig for PCBA programming, provisioning and testing benefit from a single fixture and a unified approach for all their PCBAs. A PCB assembly company can economically test their designs, fully automated and on a very high professinal standard. This leaves the companies' developers time to concentrate on development rather than production. Their products are fully traceable because test results are immediately stored in a database which can be viewed in a portal. Many functions can be tested with the EVAjig common setup, so that there is only a small lead time for a new cassette to be made. They can rely on EVAbits to implement product specific functions on an extension module that is integrated on the cassette.
The assembly of small series is often difficult to do economically by itself, without the customer asking to test the PCBAs on a make-shift test device. Even when these work robustly, your production worker usually spends a lot of time learning to operate the machine, gather the test results and get them back to the client. The EVAjig provides a stable, common fixture and user interface for all products, with test results that immediately shared with the client. The shared fixture and software means that assemblers using the EVAjig are able to provide an economical solution for clients wanting a professional test system for small series. EVAbits provides cassettes at the specification of the client.
We are happy to demonstrate the EVAjig. Please drop a line.
An existing product was extended with extra functionality
EVAbits receives funding for the development of the EVAjig under the SNN VIA-2021-PLUS program.